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We do not remember days ... we remember moments.
Cesare Pavese
The Power Of New Year's Eve!
Pamela Phillips Oland

Last night my Mum and I were talking about how it was now the New Year 2007, on the way back from a delightful New Year's Eve party.  She said, "But really, when you think about it, it's just another day, just a day on the calendar."

I thought about that for a moment and then replied, "Oh, Mum, it's not just another day at all!"  I got this mental picture, and continued, "Have you ever heard of prayer circles for faith healing?"

She said, "Yes, that's where people pray in a group for someone to get well."

And I said, "It's because of the group energy of, say, 10 people tightly connected and believing in the healing all at once, that it is believed some people are actually healed."  (Well, we've all heard this documented.)

I then went on to explain, "On New Year's Eve, probably 90% of the people on the entire planet are praying and wishing for rebirth in one way or another; for growth, happiness, joy in the world, success, prosperity, the list goes on and on!  So imagine, if 10 people in a room can heal somebody ... what the power of six billion people might be if they are all expressing similar hopes and prayers with all their hearts, with all their being!!"

This personal revelation of the importance of New Year's Eve really struck me.  The concerted power of billions of people simultaneously praying is an awesome energy to harness!  New Year's Eve is not just another day, and it's not just a symbol of renewal; it has taken on the power of renewal just by virtue of the power ascribed to it by all of us!

Pamela Phillips Oland

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Copyright © 2007, Jace Carlton.  All International Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 2005-2012, Jace Carlton.  All International Rights Reserved.