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The Top 13 Signs Your Boss Is Really Stupid

13. Answers every question with "yes," "no," or "reply hazy, try again later."

12. Finally traded in the company fleet of Ford Pintos -- for Ford Explorers.

11. You've just received permission to leave for your 4th fact-finding trip to learn about "Tolkien Ring Networks" this week.

10. Thinks that by monitoring your e-mail he... is the best loved, nicest and by far the most brilliant boss to work for.

9. You send him a memo saying that for Halloween, you're coming as The Invisible Man, then you don't come in at all.  The next day, he promotes you for your ingenuity.

8. You receive yet ANOTHER fruit basket after calling in the death of your fifth grandmother this year alone.

7. Bases the company's budget on the $1,000 each employee was going to receive for forwarding Bill Gates's e-mail.

6. Thinks that "downsizing" means ordering a small drink and fries with his burger.

5. Had the network customized so that he can print confidential documents directly to the shredder.

4. Took her a month to figure out that the desk lamp wasn't a "Clapper" like on the night stand at home.

3. No need to ask for a raise; just approach him repeatedly and ask him if he has two tens for a five.

2. Ever since he approved your "On-Site Telecommuter" idea, you get to go to the office wearing a robe, Superman underpants and bunny slippers.

and the Number 1 Sign Your Boss Is Really Stupid ...

1. During meetings, constantly turns to Ramon Gonzalez from Marketing and asks, "What would YOU do?"

Copyright © 2006, Jace Carlton.  All International Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2005-2013, Jace Carlton.  All International Rights Reserved.